Course catalogue

Overview >  Dept. 18 - Electrical Engineering and Information Technology >  Courses Offered in the Current Semester >  Lehrangebot anderer Fachbereiche

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
Start semester
16-26-6400 Technical Mechanics for Electrical Engineering
Dr.-Ing. Nicklas Norrick
SoSe 2016
16-26-6400-ue Technische Mechanik für Elektrotechniker
16-26-6400-ue Technical Mechanics for Electrical Engineering
Dr.-Ing. Nicklas Norrick
16-26-6400-vl Technische Mechanik für Elektrotechniker
16-26-6400-vl Technical Mechanics for Electrical Engineering
Dr.-Ing. Nicklas Norrick
Tue, 12. Apr. 2016 [16:15] - Tue, 12. Jul. 2016 [18:50]
16-26-6400 Technical Mechanics for Electrical Engineering
Dr.-Ing. Nicklas Norrick
SoSe 2016
16-26-6400-ue Technische Mechanik für Elektrotechniker
16-26-6400-ue Technical Mechanics for Electrical Engineering
Dr.-Ing. Nicklas Norrick
16-26-6400-vl Technische Mechanik für Elektrotechniker
16-26-6400-vl Technical Mechanics for Electrical Engineering
Dr.-Ing. Nicklas Norrick
Tue, 12. Apr. 2016 [16:15] - Tue, 12. Jul. 2016 [18:50]