Course catalogue

Overview >  Masterstudium >  Rechtswissenschaften

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
01-42-0001-ue German and International Law of Business Transactions and Corporation Law I
Dr. Ludwig Griebl; Philip Alexander Kraus
Tue, 10. Apr. 2012 [15:20] - Th, 12. Jul. 2012 [17:55]
01-42-0002-vl German and International Law of Business Transactions and Corporation Law II
Prof. Dr. jur. Janine Wendt
Tue, 10. Apr. 2012 [17:10] - Tue, 10. Jul. 2012 [18:50]
01-42-2M01-tt German and International Law of Business Transactions and Corporation Law II
Dr. Ludwig Griebl
Th, 12. Apr. 2012 [15:20] - Th, 5. Jul. 2012 [17:00]
01-42-2M02-vl Corporate Governance & Compliance
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Alexander Bode; Prof. Dr. jur. Janine Wendt
Wed, 11. Apr. 2012 [17:10] - Wed, 11. Jul. 2012 [18:50]
01-44-0003-ue European Law
Prof. Dr. jur. Viola Schmid
Tue, 17. Apr. 2012 [10:45] - Tue, 10. Jul. 2012 [11:30]
01-44-0003-vl European Law
Prof. Dr. jur. Viola Schmid
Tue, 17. Apr. 2012 [09:50] - Tue, 10. Jul. 2012 [10:35]
01-44-0006-ue Transnational Business Law
Prof. Dr. jur. Viola Schmid
Tue, 17. Apr. 2012 [17:10] - Tue, 10. Jul. 2012 [17:55]
01-44-0006-vl Transnational Business Law
Prof. Dr. jur. Viola Schmid
Tue, 17. Apr. 2012 [16:15] - Tue, 10. Jul. 2012 [17:00]
01-46-0002-vl Private Construction Law II
Prof. Dr. iur. Axel Wirth
Mon, 25. Jun. 2012 [08:00] - Th, 28. Jun. 2012 [17:00]
Lecture & Exercise
01-46-0004-vl Public Construction and Environmental Law II
Prof. Dr. iur. Axel Wirth
Mon, 18. Jun. 2012 [08:00] - Th, 21. Jun. 2012 [17:00]
Lecture & Exercise