Course catalogue

Overview >  Dept. 01 - Law and Economics >  Bachelorstudium >  Rechtswissenschaften

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
01-40-0001-ue Contract Law, Terms of Contract and Legal Conditions of Debt
Prof. Dr. jur. Jochen Marly
Mon, 20. Oct. 2014 [17:10] - Mon, 9. Feb. 2015 [18:00]
01-40-0001-vl Contract Law, Terms of Contract and Legal Conditions of Debt
Prof. Dr. jur. Jochen Marly
Th, 16. Oct. 2014 [13:30] - Th, 12. Feb. 2015 [15:10]
01-41-5100-vl Contract Law, Terms of Contract and Legal Conditions of Debt
Prof. Dr. jur. Jochen Marly
Th, 16. Oct. 2014 [13:30] - Th, 12. Feb. 2015 [15:10]
01-42-0001-ue German and International Law of Business Transactions and Corporation Law I
Prof. Dr. jur. Janine Wendt
Tue, 4. Nov. 2014 [16:15] - Tue, 10. Feb. 2015 [19:45]
01-42-0001-vl German and International Law of Business Transactions and Corporation Law I
Prof. Dr. jur. Janine Wendt
Tue, 21. Oct. 2014 [09:50] - Tue, 10. Feb. 2015 [11:30]
01-42-1201-tt POL (problemorientiertes Lernen) für Unternehmensrecht I
Prof. Dr. jur. Janine Wendt
Wed, 19. Nov. 2014 [17:10] - Wed, 11. Feb. 2015 [18:50]
01-43-0002-vl Basic Principles of Collective Labor Law
Honorarprof. Dr. Franz-Josef Rose
Mon, 13. Oct. 2014 [17:10] - Mon, 9. Feb. 2015 [18:50]
01-44-0001-ue Law of the Information Society (Cyberlaw I)
Prof. Dr. jur. Viola Schmid
Tue, 14. Oct. 2014 [12:35] - Tue, 10. Feb. 2015 [13:25]
01-44-0001-vl Law of the Information Society (Cyberlaw I)
Prof. Dr. jur. Viola Schmid
Tue, 14. Oct. 2014 [13:25] - Tue, 10. Feb. 2015 [14:15]
01-46-1B01-ue Construction Law A
Prof. Dr. iur. Axel Wirth
Mon, 20. Oct. 2014 [14:20] - Mon, 9. Feb. 2015 [15:10]
01-46-1B01-vl Construction Law A
Prof. Dr. iur. Axel Wirth
Mon, 20. Oct. 2014 [13:30] - Mon, 9. Feb. 2015 [14:20]
01-46-1B02-ue Construction Law B
Prof. Dr. iur. Axel Wirth
Mon, 13. Oct. 2014 [10:40] - Mon, 9. Feb. 2015 [11:30]
01-46-1B02-vl Construction Law B
Prof. Dr. iur. Axel Wirth
Mon, 13. Oct. 2014 [09:50] - Mon, 9. Feb. 2015 [10:40]