Course catalogue

Overview >  Dept. 01 - Law and Economics >  Undergraduate Courses >  Seminars

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Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
01-11-BM01-se Industrial Management
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Christoph Glock
01-13-BM01-se Softwarebased planning and optimization
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Simon Emde
Tue, 9. Oct. 2018 [09:50] - Fri, 1. Feb. 2019 [13:20]
01-14-B001-se Current Challenges of Corporate Management
apl. Prof. Dr. Anette von Ahsen
Tue, 19. Feb. 2019 [08:55] - Wed, 20. Feb. 2019 [17:00]
01-15-BM01-se Digital Business Models - Concepts, Sucess Factors, and Best Practices
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Peter Buxmann
Fri, 19. Oct. 2018 [09:50] - Fri, 8. Feb. 2019 [16:00]
01-16-B001-se Cases in international M&A
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dirk Schiereck
Th, 11. Oct. 2018 [09:50] - Th, 11. Oct. 2018 [11:30]
01-17-BM01-se Innovation and Privacy - A contradiction?
Prof. Dr. Dr. Ruth Stock-Homburg
01-18-BM01-se Advanced Topics in Information Systems
Prof. Dr. oec. publ. Alexander Benlian
Wed, 17. Oct. 2018 [13:30] - Wed, 6. Feb. 2019 [17:00]
01-22-B001-se Interdisciplinary Ideation Challenges: From Idea to Prototype
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Carolin Bock; Prof. Dr. Alexander Kock
Tue, 16. Oct. 2018 [11:40] - Mon, 29. Oct. 2018 [09:40]
01-40-BM01-se General Administrativ Law and Organisation
apl. Prof. Dr. Gerd Lautner
Mon, 29. Oct. 2018 [16:15] - Mon, 11. Feb. 2019 [17:55]
01-41-BM01-se Civil Law - Practical Contract Law
Prof. Dr. jur. Jochen Marly
01-42-B001-se Legal Life Hacks - learning for life
Prof. Dr. jur. Janine Wendt
Mon, 22. Oct. 2018 [09:50] - Mon, 17. Dec. 2018 [14:15]
01-44-BM01-se A Standard for a Universal (Technology) Law Lecture
Prof. Dr. jur. Viola Schmid
01-60-BM01-se Theorie der Wirtschaftspolitik
PD Dr. Harald Proff
Th, 14. Feb. 2019 [08:55] - Th, 14. Feb. 2019 [14:15]
01-62-BM01-se Joint Seminar with Saint Petersburg State University of Economics
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Volker Nitsch; Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dirk Schiereck; Prof. Dr. jur. Janine Wendt
Wed, 24. Oct. 2018 [13:30] - Th, 29. Nov. 2018 [13:20]
01-63-BM01-se Topics in Political Economics
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Michael Neugart
Th, 18. Oct. 2018 [13:20] - Fri, 25. Jan. 2019 [18:00]