Room details L203/6

hinten vorne vorne links vorne rechts

Name L203/6
External code L203/6
Description ZKS-Kekulé-Auditorium
Room type Auditorium-B (ZKS)
Seats 272
Size (sqm) 238,25
Disabled access No
Bookability Booking by Central Coordination Unit, Dezernat IIC Campus-Management
Broadcasting Details
Contact Entry / Key
-Central Gate of TU Darmstadt (24 h open), 44 44 4 (TU internal), 06151-16 44 44 4 (TU external)

Technical services (heating, ventilation, etc.)
-Central Gate of TU Darmstadt (24 h open), 44 44 4 (TU internal), 06151-16 44 44 4 (TU external)

Multimedia Working Group (MMAG) of the HRZ
- Contact:

Room booking
- for courses / examinations via the Department's Office for Student Affairs
- for other events via Central Coordination Unit, Dezernat IIC Campus-Management

Organisational management of the room
- Central Room Coordination of the TU,
Contact for Keys Central Gate of TU Darmstadt (24 h open), 44 44 4 (TU internal), 06151-16 44 44 4 (TU external)  
Contact for Technical and Media Eqiupment Support Multimedia Working Group (MMAG) of the HRZ
Daylight (Protection) no
LAN/Wifi Information
More Seat-to-Seat Distance
Orientation Start Campus Navi
Regulations / Rules for the Use of the Room Regulations and guidelines for event management on the website of the Real Estate Management 
Room Details
Seats for Written Exams
Spaces for Parents with Child
Spaces for Wheelchairs
Support - Trouble Ticket Room Equipment
Support for the hearing impaired people
Attachments Hausordnung der TU Darmstadt
Sitzplan Klausureinplanung V1
Sitzplan Klausureinplanung V2
Sitzplan Klausureinplanung V3
CEE-Steckdose 16A und 32A available
Class rooms - tight seats - Auditorium increasing without platform available
Experimentierbühne available
Microphonics - "Safe" available
Microphonics - Hand microphone wireless 1
Microphonics - Headset microphone wireless 1
Microphonics - Recording output available
Microphonics - Table microphone connection 5
Projection - Audio equipment 1
Projection - Connector panel - PC, video, audio 1
Projection - Overhead projector 1
Projection - Video- / Dataprojector 2
Regieraum/Regieplatz available
Standard - mmAG-AMX Touchpanel available
Standard - mmAG-MuFu Key panel available
Unterstützung mobiler Saaltonempfänger/Neckloop available
Web - W-LAN available
Writing surface - Blackboard 1-3m width 6
Name Chemiehörsaalgebäude mit Bibliothek
Short name L203
Address Alarich-Weiss-Straße 6
64287 Darmstadt
Informations for severely handicapped people
Location of Building Start Campus Navi
Opening hours 08:00 - 18:00 Uhr -
(during semester break 08:00 - 17:00 Uhr)
Name Lichtwiese
Short name L
Location Darmstadt