Course catalogue

Overview >  Dept. 16 - Mechanical Engineering >  Angebote sortiert nach Fachgebieten >  Thermische Verfahrenstechnik

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
16-15-5050-vl Interfacial Engineering
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Hardt
Mon, 9. Apr. 2018 [13:30] - Mon, 9. Jul. 2018 [15:10]
16-15-5060-vl Planning, Constructing and Operation of Chemical Facilities
Prof. Dr. Norbert Schadler
Fri, 13. Apr. 2018 [09:50] - Fri, 13. Jul. 2018 [11:30]
16-15-5090-tt Tutorial Modelling and Simulation of Chemical Engineering Processes
Dr. Ing. Chafika Adiche
Fri, 27. Apr. 2018 [13:00] - Fri, 7. Sep. 2018 [18:00]