Course catalogue

Overview >  RMU - Studienangebot >  FB02 - Gesellschafts- und Geschichtswissenschaften (Kopie) >  Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
02-03-0007-vl Introduction: German Politics
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Christian Stecker
Mon, 2. Nov. 2020 [13:30] - Mon, 8. Feb. 2021 [15:10]
02-03-0016-vl Introduction: Public Policy
Prof. Dr. phil. Nathalie Behnke
Th, 5. Nov. 2020 [09:50] - Th, 11. Feb. 2021 [11:30]
02-03-0148-vl Introduction: Methodology in Political Science and the Philosophy of Science
Apl. Prof. Dr. phil. Björn Egner
Wed, 4. Nov. 2020 [09:50] - Wed, 10. Feb. 2021 [11:30]