02-01-0012-ku The Dimensions of Measurement


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaminski; Prof. Dr. phil. Alfred Nordmann

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: FB02 / Philosophie (Institut)

Anzeige im Stundenplan: DimensionsMeasuremnt


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Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

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This interdiscplinary and international seminar will be offered by faculty members from TU Darmstadt, the University of South Carolina and Universität Bielefeld.Many philosophical questions surround the problem of measurement. How does one define a meter or a kilogram and how have these definitions changed? How can we tell that one thermometer is better than another - against what "objective standard" can we compare it? What kind of science is metrology - is appears to be an empirical science but its objects are conceptual entities. And all these problems just regarding physics and chemistry.Now what if we want to measure a person`s intelligence, happiness or pain? Things get even more complicated and interesting there - since obviously there are plenty of measuring instruments for these which rely on many background assumptions that need to be questioned. Is "Bruttosozialprodukt" the right measure of wealth and welfare in a society?The dimensions reach across philosophical traditions - there are analytic questions regarding the various ways of validating measurement, there are normative issues that concern the standardization of behaviros, there are questions regarding objective and our trust in numbers, the relation of quantitative and qualtitative measures.The weeklong seminar will take place at a beautiful location in the wetlands of the South Carolina coast. It is offerered in preparation of an international conference at TU Darmstadt in March 2013.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mo, 5. Mär. 2012 08:00 17:00 Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaminski; Prof. Dr. phil. Alfred Nordmann
2 Di, 6. Mär. 2012 08:00 17:00 Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaminski; Prof. Dr. phil. Alfred Nordmann
3 Mi, 7. Mär. 2012 08:00 17:00 Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaminski; Prof. Dr. phil. Alfred Nordmann
4 Do, 8. Mär. 2012 08:00 17:00 Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaminski; Prof. Dr. phil. Alfred Nordmann
5 Fr, 9. Mär. 2012 08:00 17:00 Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaminski; Prof. Dr. phil. Alfred Nordmann
6 Sa, 10. Mär. 2012 08:00 17:00 Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaminski; Prof. Dr. phil. Alfred Nordmann
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Prof. Dr. phil. Alfred Nordmann
Bild: Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaminski
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaminski