02-03-0048-se Sources of National (In)Security


Lehrende: Prof. Ron Krebs

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: FB02 / Politikwissenschaft (Institut)

Anzeige im Stundenplan: SRegjenseits


Anrechenbar für:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 30

Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl:

Weitere Informationen:
Ab Mitte Mai möchte sich Prof. Krebs mit den Teilnehmern durch Gruppenemails in Verbindung setzten. Bitte teilen Sie uns Ihre Mailadresse mit unter: dingeldein@pg.tu-darmstadt.de

Da Prof. Krebs wegen der zeitlichen Befristung der Gastprofessur nicht in der Lage ist, mündliche Prüfungen/Klausuren durchzuführen, wird in dem Blockseminar "Sources of National (In)Security" im SoSe2015 die mündliche Prüfung/Klausur durch die Prüfungsform der Hausarbeit ersetzt

(1) Participation and Reading Questions
This research seminar is oriented around students’ questions, concerns and contributions. It is
absolutely essential for students not only to complete all the readings, but also to engage in
individual reflection prior to the course (e.g., consider strengths and weaknesses of various
approaches) in order to fully benefit from the seminar meetings. To that end, for each session,
all students will prepare 2 questions based on the entire session’s readings to help spur class
discussion. Questions must be circulated by e-mail to the entire seminar by 2 p.m. on the day
of the seminar (and by 9 pm on Saturday night prior to the last two sessions).
NB: Students who do the reading ahead of time—even before the mini-course begins—are
naturally welcome to circulate their questions early. If you do the reading far in advance,
however, I do expect that you will review it before the actual class meeting.
(2) Presentations
All students are formally required to present once during the course. One reading per student
will be assigned ahead of the course via email. Students will then produce a 1 p. summary of
the text, followed by 1-2 pp. of critical engagement with the text. In those critical
engagements, students should offer a preliminary argument about some aspect of the reading
that the student found intriguing, illuminating, problematic, or controversial. These short
papers must be circulated by e-mail to the entire seminar by 2 p.m. on the day of the seminar
(and by 9 pm on Saturday night prior to the last seminar meetings). During seminar sessions,
each presenter will present their views for about five minutes to launch the group discussion.
NB: Presenters need not write separate reading questions for that session.
(3) Final paper (only for students taking the seminar for full course credit)
The final paper (due August 15, 2015) consists of an essay of approximately 3,500-5,000
words focused on some aspect of national or international (in)security. Specific topics are to
be determined by students in consultation with the instructor.

Offizielle Kursbeschreibung:
Course Description
This mini-course examines several approaches to the sources of national security policy and its
corollary—insecurity. After a critical examination of the nature of security, the seminar will explore
important structural features of global politics (polarity) and domestic politics (regime type) as well as
key processes (bargaining, securitization, legitimation, narration), before concluding with speculation
regarding the future of national (in)security.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Di, 23. Jun. 2015 15:00 19:20 S320/18 - Friedrich-Ludwig-Weidig-Saal Prof. Ron Krebs
2 Mi, 24. Jun. 2015 15:00 19:20 S115/020 Prof. Ron Krebs
3 Do, 25. Jun. 2015 15:00 19:20 S113/118 Prof. Ron Krebs
4 So, 28. Jun. 2015 10:00 17:00 S113/118 Prof. Ron Krebs
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Ron Krebs