16-15-8810-va EMB KIVA Summerschool, Introduction to German Engineering


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Manfred Hampe

Veranstaltungsart: Veranstaltung


Anzeige im Stundenplan: EMB Summerschool


Anrechenbar für:

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | -

Learning Outcomes, Acquired competence
After taking the course students will be able to:
• produce a goal-oriented solution through teamwork
• comprehend and work on a socially relevant assignment
• Moderate team processes
• Independently plan, organize and carry out tasks
• discuss possible solutions and reach an informed decision based on relevant criteria
• analyse the various aspects of an assignment by acquiring various methodological competencies
• present and discuss the outcomes of their work before an auditorium
• reflect on the greater social consequences of scientific action

The script of this year's task will be distributed at the beginning of the lecture.

Weitere Informationen:
The maximum number of participants is limited. The course represents the EMB project in the summer term. The registration is open for all students even if they already participated in the EMB.

Offizielle Kursbeschreibung:
During the project course IGEn you will work as a team of 12 on an engineering problem. In addition to your fellow students from mechanical engineering your developer team will be enhanced by international students (South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD, USA). You will get acquainted to the specific environment of engineering tasks, such as multiple solution approaches, limited information and heavy deadline pressure. Furthermore team work poses its own challenges: 10 Ideas – 10 Opinions.
In order to equip you with the right tools to develop team competence and to face those challenges your progression as a team will be overseen by trained tutors.
IGEn can impart social and methodical competence which can contribute to a successful course of study. The past has shown that acquaintances or even friendships raised from this project course contribute to the successful formation of study groups and therefore improve the education


Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mo, 29. Mai 2017 08:00 12:00 L203/06 - ab 04/2024 gesperrt wg. Baumaßnahme Prof. Dr. Manfred Hampe
2 Mo, 29. Mai 2017 08:55 09:40 L402/229 Prof. Dr. Manfred Hampe
3 Mo, 29. Mai 2017 09:50 18:00 L402/227L402/229L402/230L402/231 Prof. Dr. Manfred Hampe
4 Di, 30. Mai 2017 08:00 18:00 L402/227L402/229L402/230L402/231 Prof. Dr. Manfred Hampe
5 Mi, 31. Mai 2017 08:00 18:00 L402/227L402/229L402/230L402/231 Prof. Dr. Manfred Hampe
6 Do, 1. Jun. 2017 08:00 18:00 L402/227L402/229L402/230L402/231 Prof. Dr. Manfred Hampe
7 Fr, 2. Jun. 2017 08:00 18:00 L402/227L402/229L402/230L402/231 Prof. Dr. Manfred Hampe
8 Di, 6. Jun. 2017 08:00 11:30 L301/A92 Prof. Dr. Manfred Hampe
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Dr. Manfred Hampe