01-44-0006-vl Transnational Business Law

Course offering details

Instructors: Prof. Dr. jur. Viola Schmid

Event type: Lecture

Org-unit: Dept. 01 - Law and Economics

Displayed in timetable as: vl_TWR


Crediting for:

Hours per week: 1

Language of instruction: German and English

Min. | Max. participants: - | -

Course Contents:
Transnational Business Law is an integrated course which adheres focuses onto the International and European Economic Law, including case studies, for instance, from European (Government) aid law (e. g. the legal matter Opel), from European Fundamental Freedoms, the protection from governmental competition (internet gambling), the „wage loyality law“ against wage dumping and elements of Antitrust Law. In terms of the international area, the emphasis is on case studies about the WTO, the International Communication Law, International Competition Law, Foreign Economics Law and International Jurisdiction on Trade. The course’s objective is to provide an overview of Transnational and International, as well as European structures, of the Economic Law.

Literaturhinweise werden (im Hinblick auf die Tagesaktualität der behandelten Themen) im Laufe der Veranstaltung gegeben bzw. Materialien unmittelbar auf der Homepage des Fachgebiets bereitgestellt.


Date From To Room Instructors
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Class session overview
Prof. Dr. jur. Viola Schmid