01-25-2M01-vl Strategic Decisions of Logistics Service Providers

Course offering details

Instructors: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anne Lange

Event type: Lecture

Org-unit: Dept. 01 - Law and Economics

Displayed in timetable as: vl_StratgDecLogi


Crediting for:

Hours per week: 2

Language of instruction: Englisch

Min. | Max. participants: - | -

Course Contents:
1. Overview

Logistics services are important for modern societies, be it for example in public transport, high shelf availability of goods in supermarkets, or home delivery of online purchases. Logistics service providers are valuable partners for manufacturers and our economy relies on their services in many different ways. For instance, reliable transports between the stages in the value chain enable global supply chains and professional warehouse management allows to deliver goods all over the world. Logistics service providers also take over value-added services for example in the automotive production chain. The services offered are constantly expanded. Moreover, the logistics industry provides attractive job opportunities.

The course discusses strategic decisions of logistics service providers. Aspects of strategic management apply to logistics service providers just as to other companies. Moreover, logistics service providers face specific challenges that relate to their business. These challenges include that services typically require some kind of customer involvement in the production phase. Further, services cannot be stored and in far most cases need to be produced at the place of consumption. Equally challenging, logistics is oftentimes referred to as a derived demand that is connected to the demand for goods. The course focuses on specific aspects in the strategic management and decision making of logistics service providers.

2. Learning Objectives

After participating in the course …You are aware of issues currently relevant for logistics service providers.
You can illustrate the specificity of logistics services – services in a volatile, harsh and growing market.
You can discuss specific strategic management decisions of logistics service providers (e.g. regarding internationalization or alliances).
You understand and can position ongoing research related to logistics service providers.
You can map your knowledge to real life situations and teaching cases.
You can use your acquired knowledge to provide suggestions for given situations in the field of logistics service providers.

3. Content

Contents may vary slightly from semester to semester.Introduction to logistics and logistics service providers
Strategic positioning
Growth strategies
(Horiziontal) alliances

4. Teaching

The course consists of several elements. There are input lectures to introduce students with the contents. Students are expected to prepare research articles prior to class (about 5 articles in total) to allow for classroom work based on these texts. Group work activities are an important element of the course. To emphasize the application of the content in practice, a guest lecturer is invited, we visit a logistics facility and we work with teaching case studies.

5. Course Organization

The course takes place in a blocked format (one week) of entire days during summer semesters.

The oral exams for TU Darmstadt students are always a combination of the two subjects Strategic decisions of logistics service providers (summer term) and Planning in multimodal transportation (winter term). Exchange students can request exams for only one of the two lectures. Exam language is English. Please contact us if you wish to take the exam in German.

All materials for the course are available through moodle (TU Darmstadt learning platform).

Please bring a computer / tablet / … to class so that we can do short internet searches on the fly.

Basic literature is indicated in the slides (provided material).Reading assignments will be posted approximately two weeks prior to the course. Please prepare the readings for the respective days:

  • Read the texts and make sure you are aware of the general content. Bring your questions to class if necessary.
  • Readings are in English.
  • We will first address your questions regarding the texts in class and then start to work with the texts.

Grundlagen der BWL I, II, Einführung ins Operations Research

Official Course Description:
Service management, Strategic positioning, Growth strategies, Internationalization, Tasks in Supply Chain Management, Supplier selection, Alliance management (vertical & horzontal), Innovation management

Online Offerings:

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Tue, 3. Apr. 2018 08:55 17:55 S102/137 Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anne Lange
2 Wed, 4. Apr. 2018 08:55 17:55 S102/137 Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anne Lange
3 Th, 5. Apr. 2018 08:55 17:55 S102/137 Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anne Lange
4 Fri, 6. Apr. 2018 08:55 17:55 S102/137 Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anne Lange
Class session overview
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Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anne Lange