60-00-1835-pf Elektromechanische Systeme I (18-kn-1050)

Course offering details

Instructors: Prof. Dr. techn. Dr.h.c. Andreas Binder; Prof. Dr. Mario Kupnik

Event type: Exam

Org-unit: Dept. 18 - Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Displayed in timetable as: Prüfung


Crediting for:

Language of instruction: German

Min. | Max. participants: - | -

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Sat, 6. Jun. 2020 13:00 17:30 S103/221S101/A04S101/A03 Prof. Dr. techn. Dr.h.c. Andreas Binder; Prof. Dr. Mario Kupnik
Class session overview
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Prof. Dr. techn. Dr.h.c. Andreas Binder
Picture: Prof. Dr. Mario Kupnik
Prof. Dr. Mario Kupnik