16-05-4234-tt Tutorial Design for Diversity

Course offering details

Instructors: Dr.-Ing. Katharina Helten

Event type: Tutorial

Org-unit: Dept. 16 - Mechanical Engineering

Displayed in timetable as: Tut Design Diversity


Crediting for:

Hours per week: 4

Language of instruction: Englisch

Min. | Max. participants: - | -

Digital Teaching:
The tutorial takes place in presence at the department, but with some virtual course units. Personal presence on site and participation in the project teams is expected.

Course Contents:
By developing and producing products engineers shape society and thus need to focus during the development on diverse user groups. Important aspects of diversity are e.g. gender, age, ethnical background as well as mental and physical abilities.
Scope of the tutorial is to sensitize for this responsibility, to teach methods for a successful development of products for a diverse society and the build as well as testing of prototypes.
1) Introduction: Responsibility of design engineers for products that are used by society; overview of different user groups and the diverse needs
2) Development methods: VDI2221, VDI2206, Design Thinking, User-Centered Design
3) Problem and requirements definition: e.g. application of design thinking (phase “observe”) and system modelling
4) Solution generation: Solution ideation, e.g. by physical principles, morphologic box
5) Prototype build: e.g. paper-based prototypes
6) Testing: Test at user interface and analysis
7) Generation of business model (e.g. application of business model canvas)

If you want to participate, please write a short motivation via e-mail, answering the following questions: Why do you want to participate in the tutorial? What product of your everyday use would you like to re-design in order to meet the needs of diverse user groups? Please send your application by 31st March 2023 to dfd@pmd.tu-darmstadt.de.
After the end of the application phase, you will be informed by e-mail whether you can participate in the tutorial. Enrolment in TUCaN and registration for the exam do not automatically entitle you to participate in the tutorial.

Expected Number of Participants:
Limited to a maximum of 16 participants. Application required.

Further Grading Information:
For more information, please refer to the associated Moodle course.

Sustainability Reference of the Course Contents:
The course addresses various approaches and methods to sustainable product development and corporate management. Aspects of ecological, economic and social diversity are addressed.


Online Offerings:

Date From To Room Instructors
There are no appointments.
Class session overview
Dr.-Ing. Katharina Helten