02-03-0163-se Introduction to Gender and Politics


Lehrende: M. A. Ezgi Güler

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: FB02 / Politikwissenschaft (Institut)

Anzeige im Stundenplan: 02-03-0163-se


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Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 55

Offizielle Kursbeschreibung:
Gender Studies, a vibrant and interdisciplinary field, challenge our traditional academic and cultural understandings of many issues. This course mainly addresses the following critical question: What are the roles that gender plays in our political, cultural, and economic life? It offers an introduction to basic concepts and theoretical perspectives in the study of Gender and Politics. Drawing on disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and cross-cultural studies, it also looks into some of the key issues in politics and society from a perspective of gender.

More specifically, four areas will be covered within the scope of this course. We will first delve into the fundamental concepts in gender and politics scholarship and explore gender-based inequality and violence in our contemporary societies. Second, we will focus on institutions and policies and provide feminist and queer analysis of politics in relation to labor, family, citizenship, and political representation. Third, we will look into the feminist and queer politics of the grass-root movements, especially the intersectional politics that some sections of the civil society push forward. Finally, we will engage with the contemporary debates in the gender and politics scholarship, including anti-gender movements—in Europe and beyond—and the Covid-19 pandemic.


Die Veranstaltung ist in die folgenden Kleingruppen aufgeteilt:
  • Introduction to Gender and Politics A

    M. A. Ezgi Güler

    Fr, 22. Okt. 2021 [14:25]-Fr, 18. Feb. 2022 [16:05]

  • Introduction to Gender and Politics B

    M. A. Ezgi Güler

    Fr, 22. Okt. 2021 [09:50]-Fr, 18. Feb. 2022 [11:30]

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M. A. Ezgi Güler