02-05-0072-se Seriality


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. phil. Julika Griem

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: FB02 / Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (Institut)

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Literary Genres


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Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | -


Das Seminar vermittelt Kenntnisse in der Gattungstheorie und führt an ausgewählten Beispieltexten in die vertiefende Beschreibung und Analyse einer ausgewählten Gattung (Lyrik, Drama, erzählende Prosa) ein. Studierende erhalten einen Einblick in die verschiedenen literarischen Genres und lernen diese anhand eigener Analysen und Interpretationsübungen kennen.


Lehrmaterialen und Übungen werden über das WWW zur Verfügung gestellt unter http://www.linglit.tu-darmstadt.de. Weitere, im Verlaufe des Kurses behandelte Literatur ist über die Bibliotheken der TU Darmstadt zu beziehen.


Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl:

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Offizielle Kursbeschreibung:
The seminar will address the phenomenon of seriality as a form and function of literary communication. To grasp the wide-ranging implications and effects of seriality we will start by considering the more general features of seriality in different aesthetic fields. After this, the main focus of our work will be on the aspect of serialised storytelling in both popular and highbrow genres and formats. Our discussions will cover a wide historical range of phenomena reaching from Chaucer`s Canterbury Tales to I. Fleming`s James Bond novels, graphic novels, 20th century story cycles and series of crime novels. A second focus will be on the success of those recent American TV series that have been credited with offering particularly sophisticated forms of serial narrative. Suggestions for further topics are welcome. In addition to the challenge to develop a narratology of serial forms the following questions will also be addressed: how can we explain the pleasure offered by serialised storytelling? What happens at the beginning and end of serialised stories? How can we identify historically specific forms of seriality? Should we distinguish between popular and non-popular forms? What are the chances, what are the limitations of serial narratives? Which forms of production and reception have to be identified as typical? How, finally, have new technologies and in particular the internet influenced and changed contemporary serialised storytelling?
Texts: Participants are invited to bring an example of serialised storytelling they wish to examine more closely. Further literary texts will be announced at the beginning of the semester; a seminar reader with theoretical material will be available at Kopiethek, Magdalenenstraße.
Requirements: Regular attendance, active participation, oral presentation, term paper.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mo, 18. Apr. 2011 16:15 17:55 S103/112 Prof. Dr. phil. Julika Griem
2 Mo, 2. Mai 2011 16:15 17:55 S103/112 Prof. Dr. phil. Julika Griem
3 Mo, 9. Mai 2011 16:15 17:55 S103/112 Prof. Dr. phil. Julika Griem
4 Mo, 16. Mai 2011 16:15 17:55 S103/112 Prof. Dr. phil. Julika Griem
5 Mo, 23. Mai 2011 16:15 17:55 S103/112S103/184 - Starker Baulärm im Umfeld Prof. Dr. phil. Julika Griem
6 Mo, 30. Mai 2011 16:15 17:55 S103/112S103/184 - Starker Baulärm im Umfeld Prof. Dr. phil. Julika Griem
7 Mo, 6. Jun. 2011 16:15 17:55 S103/112S103/184 - Starker Baulärm im Umfeld Prof. Dr. phil. Julika Griem
8 Mo, 20. Jun. 2011 16:15 17:55 S103/112S103/184 - Starker Baulärm im Umfeld Prof. Dr. phil. Julika Griem
9 Mo, 27. Jun. 2011 16:15 17:55 S103/112S103/184 - Starker Baulärm im Umfeld Prof. Dr. phil. Julika Griem
10 Mo, 4. Jul. 2011 16:15 17:55 S103/112S103/184 - Starker Baulärm im Umfeld Prof. Dr. phil. Julika Griem
11 Mo, 11. Jul. 2011 16:15 17:55 S103/112S103/184 - Starker Baulärm im Umfeld Prof. Dr. phil. Julika Griem
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Prof. Dr. phil. Julika Griem